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Thank you for taking the time to examine WordWise -- the most flexible and
expandable Daily Scripture program available. With nearly 30 Bible versions
to choose from, support for most major operating systems, and a registra-
tion price of just $20, we believe that WordWise is an outstanding program.
A lot of work and thoughtful design has gone into making it an entertaining,
flexible, and valuable part of your software collection. Once installed on
your computer, it remains like a faithful friend, bringing you a message
from God's Word as each day begins. WordWise is a perpetual daily calendar,
and contains enough Scriptures to display a new one each day for an entire
year without repeating. Though the Scriptures will begin to repeat after
one year, each verse will be displayed only once per year, and the calendar
date will always be correct. In addition to giving you daily Scriptures,
WordWise can remind you of your daily Bible readings as you read through on
a one-year plan.
As a further benefit, WordWise was designed with expandability in mind. Add-
itional topics may be purchased and added at any time. Interested in in-
creasing your Bible knowledge? Simply add the Bible Quiz package and you'll
have 366 questions to answer covering Bible personalities and events. How's
your vocabulary? The WordWise vocabulary package will arm you with 366 out-
standing words to "aggrandize your articulation". From quotable quotes, to
foreign languages, to historical events, the WordWise library offers you
many current and upcoming additions from which to choose.
Following are some of the features of the registered version of WordWise.
They are common to all platforms.
* Bible verses displayed automatically each time you start your computer.
One for every day of the year.
* Includes nearly thirty Bible versions from which to choose. Any or all
may be viewed at the same time, and all are included in the basic
* Monthly perpetual calendar.
* Daily reminders of Through-the-Bible readings.
* Automatic saving of daily Scripture to a file for use with word or
speech processors.
* Three modes of operation from which to choose.
* Future expandability through the addition of extra modules.
* Printed user's manual.
* Access to additional Bible versions as they are released. New Bible
translations are distributed through BBSs and are free to registered
users. An up-to-date collection of all additional translations is also
available from Creative Systems for a nominal charge.
* Advance notification of upgrades and new products.
Additional Windows features:
* Ability to assign different fonts to each Bible version.
* Pop-up references designed to aid in your Bible study.
* Support for the Windows 3.1 screen saver.
* Topmost feature which allows WordWise to remain on top of all other
applications. (Windows 3.1 only)
Additional Macintosh features:
* Ability to assign different fonts to each Bible version.
* Pop-up references designed to aid in your Bible study.
* Balloon help.
Additional OS/2 features:
* Ability to assign different fonts to each Bible version.
* Pop-up references designed to aid in your Bible study.
Additional DOS features:
* DOS text or full windowed mode can be selected.
* Pop-up references designed to aid in your Bible study.
* Support for 43 or 50 line mode.
Amiga features:
The current release of the Amiga version includes all the common features
with the exception of the pop-up references and the Greek package.
These packages are included with your purchase:
* American Standard Version * New King James Version
* The Amplified Bible * New Life Version
* Contemporary English Version * New Revised Standard Version
(New Testament, Psalms, Proverbs) * Reina-Valera Actualizada
* Greek New Testament (pseudoscript) * Revised Standard Version
* King James Version * Simple English Bible (NT)
* Literal English with Strong's keys * Through-the-Bible reading plan
* The Living Bible * Today's English Version
* The Message (New Testament) * Transliterated Bible
* New American Standard * Transliterated Pronounceable Bible
* New Century Version * Updated Authorized Version
* New International Version * Young's Literal Translation
Additional packages available as of the time of this release:
* Authorized Version (1611 Edition) * Elberfelder (German)
* Byzantine Textform (Greek) * Louis Segiond (French)
* Darby Bible * N26/UBS3 Textform (Greek)
These may be obtained free-of-charge from the SoftWorks BBS (907-522-2900)
by checking the WordWise directory, or by looking in CompuServe's Religion
forum in the Christianity library. All new Bible packages are free to regis-
tered WordWise users.
Purchasing WordWise
To receive your registered copy, please send $20.00 + $1.00 P&H by check or
money order to:
Creative Systems
P.O. Box 241111
Anchorage, AK 99524-1111
The most convenient way of ordering is to print out the file REGISTER,
fill it out, and mail it to us with your payment. This insures that we will
be provided with all the information necessary to get the appropriate ver-
sion of the program to you as quickly as possible. If, for some reason, you
do not wish to use the printed form, don't forget to specify your prefer-
ence of Windows, DOS, Mac, or OS/2, and the disk size you need.
For other inquiries, please write or give us a call. Phone/FAX (907) 344-
3480. Alternatively, you may send mail to CompuServe ID 74127,2657 or Inter-
net address bbarnes@softwork.com.
In short, the distributed LZH file includes all the files in the necessary
drawers for WordWise to run. Simply extract it to your main hard drive (the
sys: volume) and a "WordWise" drawer will be created for you. Inside you
will find the main program, a few Bible packages, two text files, and a
drawer entitled "Off". Inside the Off drawer, you will find the remaining
Bible version files. Additionally, a file entitled "Start WordWise" will
be placed in your WBStartup drawer; this is what causes WordWise to run
automatically each time your Amiga is started.
Running WordWise the First Time
After WordWise is installed, it's a good idea to restart your Amiga. This
way you can verify that installation was successful and that WordWise will
run automatically. The next step is to customize it.
The first time it is run, WordWise will appear on the screen in the default
location, but you may then resize it and locate it anywhere on the screen
you desire. Each time the WordWise window is closed, its screen size and
position are saved so that it will always appear the next time exactly
where you left it. The size and location are up to you, but will depend
upon the number of packages you want to view each day. Just remember to
make your window a little taller than necessary because the length of each
Scripture will vary from day to day.
Next, you will probably want to change the Bible versions displayed in the
WordWise window. By opening the "Off" drawer, you'll find many additional
versions from which to choose. Dragging the appropriate icons to the Word-
Wise drawer is all that is necessary to enable them. Likewise, unwanted
translations should be droppped in the Off drawer while they are not in use.
At this point, you should take the time to find your way around and become
familiar with the program. Enable all the packages you want to see, but
just remember: there's a limited amount of room on the screen. There is no
limit, however, to the number of packages it is possible to display, so if
sufficient support is received for this program, later versions may include
scrollbars and support to use different fonts.
Quote Method:
WordWise can select the day's Scripture by one of three different methods,
and gives you the ability to choose the one which best suits your needs.
* Date: In this mode, WordWise checks your computer's clock for the date
and displays the correct verse for the day. Unless your computer does
not have a clock, this is probably the best choice for you.
* Incremental: By selecting Incremental Mode, a new verse will be displayed
each time the program is run. Unlike Date Mode, Incremental Mode will
give you a different verse each time WordWise is run throughout the day.
The advantage is that you can see more verses in a day's time; the disad-
vantage is that you will more quickly run through the 366 selections and
begin seeing repeats before the year is up. This should be the mode of
choice, though, if you are unable to use Date Mode.
* Random: This mode simply chooses one of the 366 possible verses at random
each time the program is run. Since no record is kept of which have been
displayed, repeats will be more frequent. Thus, it is the least desirable
mode, but is available should you decide to use it.
+ Note: The first time it is run, WordWise checks for the presence of a
system clock. If it finds one, then Date Mode is used, otherwise Incre-
mental Mode is used.)
A Final Note
While you are able to experiment freely with this program, please do not
forget its purpose: giving you the opportunity to thoroughly test a commer-
cial program before purchase. It is not "freeware", and may not be used
past a reasonable amount of time in which you make a purchase decision.
Please register WordWise so that we may continue producing high-quality,
low-priced Christian software. And PLEASE help us by passing it on to
others! God bless.
P.S. Registration for WordWise grants permission to use the program on
whatever platform you prefer. If, at a later date, you decide to begin
using OS/2, a Mac, or Windows, you may feel free to download the approp-
riate version without additional registration charges. What a deal!
American Standard Version (ASV): Scripture and/or reference text taken from
The New Bible Library(tm) CD-ROM. (c) Copyright 1993 Ellis Enterprises
Incorporated. Used by permission of Ellis Enterprises Incorporated.
The Amplified Bible (AMP): Old Testament (c) Copyright 1962, 1964 by Zonder-
van Publishing House. New Testament (c) Copyright 1958 by The Lockman
Bible Reading Plan (PLAN1) : Included as a part of WordWise(tm) but is not
separately copyrighted.
Contemporary English Version (CEV_NTPP): New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs:
Copyright (c) American Bible Society, 1991. All Rights Reserved.
Greek Text (GREEKDOS): Text prepared by Creative Systems and is part of
WordWise(tm), (c) Copyright 1993 Creative Systems. All rights reserved.
King James Version (KJV): Public Domain.
Literal English Version (LIT): Scripture and/or reference text taken from
The New Bible Library(tm) CD-ROM. (c) Copyright 1993 Ellis Enterprises
Incorporated. Used by permission of Ellis Enterprises Incorporated.
The Message (MESSAGE): (c) Copyright 1993 by Eugene H. Peterson. All rights
reserved. Used by permission.
New American Standard Bible (NASB): Scripture taken from the New American
Standard Bible (c) 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977,
by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
New Century Version (NCV): Scriptures quoted from The Holy Bible, New Cen-
tury Version, copyright (c) 1987, 1988, 1991 by Word Publishing, Dallas,
Texas 75039. Used by permission.
New International Version (NIV): Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New
International Version. (c) Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible
Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
New King James Version (NKJV): New King James Version, (c) Copyright (c)
1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
New Life Version (NLV): Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New Life Ver-
sion, Copyright (c) 1993, Victor Books / SP Publications, Inc., 1825
College Ave., Wheaton, Illinois 60187. Used by permission.
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV): The New Revised Standard Version of the
Bible (c) Copyright 1989 by Division of Christian Education of the Nation-
al Council of Churches of Christ in the USA, and used by permission.
Reina-Valera Actualizada (RVA): Spanish Bible: Version Reina-Valera Actual-
izada (RVA) Copyright 1989 Editorial Mundo Hispano, El Paso, Texas.
Revised Standard Version (RSV): The Revised Standard Version of the Bible
(c) Copyright 1946, 1952, 1971 by Division of Christian Education of the
National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA, and used by permission.
Simple English Bible (SEB_NT): Simple English Bible New Testament, (c) Copy-
right 1978, 1980, (International Edition), by International Bible Trans-
lators, Inc.. (c) Copyright 1981 (American Edition) by International Bible
Translators, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Living Bible (TLB): The Living Bible, copyright (c) 1971 by Tyndale
House Publishers, Wheaton, IL, used by permission.
Today's English Version (TEV): Copyright (c) American Bible Society, 1966,
1971, 1976. All Rights Reserved.
Transliterated Bible (TB_NT): Scripture and/or reference text taken from
The New Bible Library(tm) CD-ROM. (c) Copyright 1993 Ellis Enterprises
Incorporated. Used by permission of Ellis Enterprises Incorporated.
Transliterated Pronounceable Bible (TPB): Scripture and/or reference text
taken from The New Bible Library(tm) CD-ROM. (c) Copyright 1993 Ellis
Enterprises Incorporated. Used by permission of Ellis Enterprises Incor-
Updated Authorized Version (UAV): (c) Copyright 1993 by Creative Systems.
All rights reserved.
Young's Literal Translation (YOUNGS): Public Domain.
All reference graphics included with WordWise(tm) (BOOKS, GREEK, TIMELINE):
(c) Copyright 1993 by Creative Systems. All rights reserved.
WordWise contributors : Kevin Asche, Elizabeth Barnes, James Clementson, Jim
Durand, Dr. John Garvin, Sandie Hill, Russell Mjolsnes, and Mike Nichols.
The author of this work would like to give special thanks to Dr. Stanley
Morris of International Bible Translators, Inc. and Dr. John Ellis of Ellis
Enterprises Incorporated for their cooperation during the development of
Please write for information about versions of WordWise for Windows, OS/2,
DOS, and the Mac, and request a list of all packages available, including
new releases.
Copyright Notice
This manual, and the software described within, are copyrighted. All rights
are reserved. No part of this manual or the described software may be cop-
ied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-
readable form without the prior written consent of Creative Systems P.O.
Box 241111, Anchorage, AK 99524-1111.
Copyright (c) 1992-1995
Creative Systems
P. O. Box 241111
Anchorage, AK 99524-1111
CompuServe ID 74127,2657
Internet: bbarnes@softwork.com